- Only standard non-encrypted PDF file formats can be accepted.听DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS BY POSTAL MAIL.
- Resolution no less than 300 dpi. Maximum file size is 3MB per image.
- Documents must be machine-scanned, digital photographs cannot be accepted.
- DO NOT crop, annotate, encrypt, secure or otherwise digitally alter your scans. No annotations should be added on or around the image. Specifically for passport submissions: all edges of the passport booklet should be visible in the scan. For example, do not crop out the opposite page facing the photo page.
- Files shared online cannot be accepted.
- The file name should be short with NO special characters (for example, French accents such as the circonflexe "锚", etc). We suggest naming the file according to document type and 缅北强奸 ID number (e.g. birth certificate 260xxxxxx).
- Indicate your听name and 缅北强奸 ID number in your submission.
Tips when scanning your documents:
- Review your scan before forwarding to us to ensure the scan is clear and not cut off.
- When using a uPrint machine on campus, email to yourself first, review, then forward. Follow these links for scanning and emailing instructions for the .
Select below according to your program of study:
IMPORTANT NOTE: As per Quebec privacy laws and the 缅北强奸 communication policy, replies to submissions are only sent to the official 缅北强奸 email address.