
Master's Thesis


Jorge Guillermo S谩nchez M茅ndez

Evaluating the effectiveness of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) implementation using a before-after video-based surrogate safety approach

Present Position: Web shipping supervisor, Groupe BBH

Lulu Tan

Spatiotemporal Regularized Factorization for Traffic Data Imputation

Present Position: Machine Learning Engineer, Unity Technologies

Ce Zhang听

Applicationof CNN Models for Automated Monitoring of RoadPavement and Winter Surface Conditions Using Visual-Spectrum and Thermal VideoCameras

Present Position: PhD student, University of Waterloo

Yousteena Bocktor听

Modeling the Safety Impacts of the Curb Radius on Operating Speeds Using Video and GPS Trajectory Data

Present Position: Transportation Analyst, WSP Canada

Molly Behan

Evaluating the Impact of Converting a One-Way Stop Intersection to an All-Way Stop Intersection on Vehicular Emissions

Present Position: General Engineer, U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Cui Boer

Accessibility, equity, and the journey to work

Present Position: Consultant, Solutions for Growing Economies

Mohamed Elagaty

Road safety analysis in low-income countries using surrogate automated video-based methods

Present Position: Software Developer, Transoft Solutions Inc.

Morse Philip

Evaluating Dynamic Road User Feedback Systems and the Calibration of Video Tracking Data Collection Systems

Present Position: Transportation Engineer, Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Taras Romancyshyn

The use of Bluetooth and smartphone GPS data to investigate factors associated to variations of travel times and delays

Present Position: Senior Rail Performance Analyst, Metrolinx

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