The role of Assessment and Evaluation
The A&E team’s mandate includes:
- Developing and implementing comprehensive assessment frameworks for SLL aligned with the student life cycle.
- Conducting program and service evaluations and benchmark studies.
- Establishing appropriate data collection methodologies, implementing tools, and determining reporting metrics.
- Working on strategic and cross-functional projects.
- Information/data governance and building a cross-unit data ecosystem.
- Reporting on the student experience and informing strategic enrolment management.
- Leading reviews for SLL units to improve programming.
- Training on A&E best practices and knowledge mobilization.
Benefits for the SLL Community
The benefits of Assessment and Evaluation:
- ODPSLL is best placed to collect the right data at the right time in the student life cycle.
- Create a data ecosystem that can be leveraged to use the data we collect to inform positive changes for students.
- Increased capacity to report on progress and share insights with faculties, services, and university stakeholders.