Since its inception, the QSP has given Quebecers, Canadians and international students the chance to improve their knowledge of many important issues that have defined and continue to define and redefine Quebec, including the North American Free Trade Agreement, the evolution of the Canadian constitutional debate, the reform of social programs, provincial linguistic policies, native issues, regional differences and relations between the anglophone, allophone and francophone communities.
This gives a vivid picture of the opportunities afforded by the program.
The QSP is responsible for the following courses: QCST 200
qcst_200_-_syllabus_2020.pdf Introduction to the Study of Quebec and QCST 440, Contemporary Issues in Quebec - Living in Montreal: Ethnicity and "Race" from Past to Present)
qcst_440_and_cans_413_-_summary_2020.pdf. PLEASE NOTE that QCST 300 will be cross-listed with CANS 300 this year - a course on food and agriculture in Canada, with special emphasis on Quebec. Students who took QCST 300 in the past can therefore take it for credit. There is also a BRAND NEW Quebec literature course that may be taken, as well:
FREN 372 鈥� Litt茅rature qu茅b茅coise 1听: voyage litt茅raire 脿 Montr茅al
Prof. Pascal Brissette
Automne 2023
Pr茅alables, restrictions et cours conjoints
Montr茅al est la ville qui a le plus int茅ress茅 les 茅crivains qu茅b茅cois au fil des d茅cennies. Plus de 2 500 romans y ancrent au moins une partie de leur intrigue. Quels quartiers se d茅marquent par leur pr茅sence litt茅raire? L鈥檃ttrait de certains quartiers varie-t-il dans le temps ou selon la langue, la culture d鈥檕rigine ou le sexe des auteur路e路s?
Le cours comportera deux principales parties. Dans la premi猫re, on s鈥檌nt茅ressera 脿 Montr茅al comme objet de discours et de repr茅sentations dans la fiction romanesque. En s鈥檃ppuyant sur la lecture d鈥檈xtraits de romans et de nouvelles, on r茅fl茅chira 脿 la mani猫re dont la fiction montr茅alaise repr茅sente la ville, sa topographie, ses quartiers, ses centres, ses fronti猫res et ses marges. On s鈥檃ttachera aux fonctions et valeurs attribu茅es par les fictions 脿 ces espaces, aux trajectoires qui s鈥檡 dessinent, aux types d鈥檃ctions et de personnages qui s鈥檡 d茅ploient.
Dans la deuxi猫me partie du cours, nous nous int茅resserons 脿 un quartier en particulier, Griffintown, qui n鈥檃 fait que de furtives apparitions dans le roman d鈥檃vant 2000 et qui, depuis, est devenu un terreau litt茅raire f茅cond. En plus de lire des romans qui y situent leurs intrigues, les 茅tudiant路e路s auront acc猫s 脿 la documentation rassembl茅e par l鈥橭ffice de la consultation publique de Montr茅al, qui tient actuellement une consultation sur l鈥檃venir de Griffintown. Celles et ceux qui le souhaitent pourront soumettre aux commissaires de courts essais ou textes de fiction nourris par l鈥檃nalyse des 艙uvres au programme.
Ce cours peut 锚tre comptabilis茅 dans le cadre d'une Mineure en 茅tudes qu茅b茅coises et offre 茅galement la possibilit茅 d'un engagement communautaire.
Formule p茅dagogique
Cours magistraux.
Le programme de lecture comprend trois romans sur Griffintown, des extraits d'ouvrages de fiction et des articles scientifiques.
A. Pour tou路te路s les 茅tudiant路e路s
Marie-H茅l猫ne Poitras,听Griffintown, Montr茅al, Alto, 2012.*
B. Deux romans au choix parmi les suivants
Genevi猫ve Lefebvre,听Je compte les morts, 2009.
Arlette Cousture,听Petal鈥檚 Pub, Montr茅al, Babelio, 2012.*
Jacques C么t茅,听Et 脿 l鈥檋eure de votre mort. Les cahiers noirs de l鈥檃li茅niste, 2013.*
Herv茅 Gagnon,听Maria. Une enqu锚te de Joseph Laflamme, 2015.*
Dominique Lavall茅e,听Pour toi Abby. Tome 2: les retrouvailles, 2019.*
* Les ouvrages suivis d鈥檜n ast茅risque sont disponibles sous forme de pr锚t num茅rique 脿 BAnQ.
Les extraits d鈥檕uvrages de fiction et les articles scientifiques seront affich茅s dans la biblioth猫que Zotero du cours.
En fonction de leurs pr茅f茅rences et aptitudes, les 茅tudiant路e路s pourront fixer eux-m锚mes la pond茅ration des deux principales 茅valuations du cours (le portfolio et le travail final). Des d茅tails sur chaque 茅valuation seront fournis au premier cours.
Portfolio (50 脿 80%)
Travail final (10 脿 40%)
Participation (10%)
QCST 200 is given in English and QCST 440 is given in both English and French. The title (or sub-title) of each course indicates the language in which it is offered. As is the case with most other courses at 缅北强奸, term papers and exams may be written in either language. (One exception are courses offered by the D茅partement des litt茅ratures de langue fran莽aise, de traduction et de cr茅ation, where all papers must be submitted, and all exams must be written, in French.)
Please note that it is necessary to be able to read French in order to follow all of the required courses offered by the Program except for QCST 200, as well as the "Core Courses." All the other Qu茅bec Studies courses included in the Minor or Major Concentration are the responsibility of the departments who offer them and it is those departments that determine the language of some or all of the readings and the language in which the lectures will be given. To obtain a complete description of these courses and the admission requirements where applicable, students should read the relevant sections of the 缅北强奸 Calendar and, if necessary, consult with the departments concerned, bearing in mind that not all courses are available in any given year. It is a the student's responsibility to ensure that he or she has successfully completed any course prerequisites.
Minor Requirements
Required Courses 6 credits
Required courses normally completed in the following order:
QCST 200 - Introduction to the Study of Quebec (U0 or U1)
QCST 300 - Food and Agriculture in Canada听 (Cross-listed with CANS 300)
QCST 440 - Contemporary Issues in Quebec (U2 or U3) - Winter 2022
Complementary Courses 9 credits
Of these 9 credits, 6 credits must be core courses or courses approved by the Program Director and 3 credits must be taught in the French language and can be chosen from French as a Second Language course offerings
At least 3 of the 9 complementary credits must be at the 300 level or above.
The selection of courses will be made in consultation with the Program Director and will vary depending on the major concentration or honours program of each student.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of core courses. Other courses could be considered core course with the approval of program Director, Professor Pascal Brissette
Ex. POLI 226 - La vie politique qu茅b茅coise
Ex. POLI 221 - The Government of Canada
Ex. FREN 252 - Litt茅rature qu茅b茅coise (In French)
Ex. ENGL 313 - Canadian Drama and Theatre: Quebec
Ex. HIST 353 - History of Montreal
Ex. CANS 415 - Black Canada: Migration of Caribbean People to Montreal and the rest of Canada
Ex. POLI 426 - Partis politiques et comportement 茅lectoral au Qu茅bec