
Playful mapping in interdisciplinary field course

20 Apr 2018

Panek, J., & Perkins, C. (2018). Flying a kite: Playful mapping in a multidisciplinary field course. Journal of Geography Higher Education, 42(3), 317–336.

Outdoor laboratory

28 Mar 2018

Oliver, C., Leader, S., & Kettridge, N. (2018). Birmingham Bog outdoor laboratory: potentials and possibilities for embedding field-based teaching within the undergraduate classroom. Journal of...

Inquiry-based landscaped drawing

22 May 2017

Tillmann, V. A., & Wunderlich, J. (2017). Dewey’s concept of experience for inquiry-based landscape drawing during field studies. Journal of Geography Higher Education, 41(3), 383–402.

Spiral curriculum and scaffolding for cartography

6 Oct 2016

Sack, C. M., & Roth, R. E. (2017). Design and evaluation of an Open Web Platform cartography lab curriculum. Journal of Geography Higher Education, 41(1), 1–23.

Teaching computer programming skills with multiple laboratories

19 Oct 2015

Etherington, T. R. (2016). Teaching introductory GIS programming to geographers using an open source Python approach. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 40(1), 117–130.

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