

Exam Schedule

To view the current exam schedule, click here.

Deferred Exams

Students who have missed a final exam due to medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances may apply to write a deferred exam. This following applies only to final exams and not to midterms.

It is the responsibility of the student to decide whether they are well enough to write an exam. Examinations that are partially completed because the student is unwell during the exam will be graded. Therefore, if you are unwell, do not begin the exam; contact an invigilator for assistance.

An application for deferral is submitted online through : Student Menu>Student Records Menu>Deferred Exam Application. The application for deferral requires a compelling description of the circumstances that justify approval of a deferred exam, and usually requires supporting documentation such as a medical note.

Circumstances justifying a deferral do not include insufficient time to prepare for the examination, or an inconvenient exam schedule. Study time is under the control of the student. Exams are scheduled to minimize conflict between exams (/exams/exam-conflict-faes).

Before applying for a deferred exam, students should read and reflect on the information provided at: “What you need to know before you request a deferred exam” /exams/dates/supdefer

If you are uncertain about whether you are eligible for deferral or about the documentation required, contact the Student Affairs Office 514-398-7925; studentinfo.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca; Laird Hall, room 106.

Final Exam Re-reads

For information on rereads of final exams, click here.

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