Projection du documentaire "Buffalo Soldiers: A Quest for Freedom"
Dans le cadre du Mois de l'histoire des Noirs, la Black Law Students' Association of Ã山ǿ¼é (BLSAM) vous convie à la projection du documentaire produit par les frères Isabelle Bros sur les 'Buffalo Soldiers', ces braves soldats noirs, presque oubliés aujourd'hui, qui ont changé l'histoire militaire des États-Unis.
''A century and a half ago, Black soldiers, known as 'Buffalo Soldiers' changed the face of the military forever. Despite astonishing achievements in the face of heartbreaking adversity, the heroism of these brave men has remained obscure. Until now! Buffalo Soldiers: A Quest for Freedom begins in the turbulent days leading to the Revolutionary War, traverses Frontier expansion and the Spanish American War, and concludes with a modern perspective of military officers of colour. This ambitious body of work chronicles, year by year, the extraordinary story of these notable African American men - and yes woman! - and the invaluable service they rendered serving our beloved country.'' - Montreal International Black Film Festival