

Alonso-Ovalle, Luis

Alonso-Ovalle, LuisÌýand Paula Menéndez-Benito. 2011. . Journal of Semantics. 28:2: 211-240.

Bauer, Karin

Questioning the RAF: The Politics of Culture. Guest Editor and introduction of theme issue of Seminar 47:2 (2011).

Ethik und Poetik im Werke Herta Müllers. Special issue of literatur für leser 2: 2011. Guest editor and introduction 34:2 (2011).

“The End of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of the RAF: Elfriede Jelinek’s Ulrike Maria Stuart. Zeitenwende: Österreichische Literatur seit dem Millennium. Ed. Michael Böhringer and Susanne Hochreiter. Vienna: Praesens Verlag. 157-172.

“E»å¾±³Ù´Ç°ù¾±²¹±ô.†Ethik und Poetik im Werke Herta Müllers. Special issue of literatur für leser 34: 2 (2011) 63-69.Ìý

“Fragmentation and Collage in the Works of Herta Müller.â€Ìý Ethik und Poetik im Werke Herta Müllers. Special issue of literatur für leser 34:2 (2011). 131-44.

â€Àá²Ô³Ù°ù´Ç»å³Ü³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô.†Questioning the RAF: The Politics of Culture. Seminar 47:1 (2011) 1-9.

Boruchoff, David

“Why Bad Things Happen to Good Shepherds: Providence and the Pastoral.†Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 31.1 (2011): 135-45.

Review of: Michael Armstrong-Roche, Cervantes’ Epic Novel: Empire, Religion, and the Dream Life of Heroes in Persiles (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009). Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos 7 (2011): 291-94.

Review of: Fray Luis de León, De los nombres de Cristo, ed., introd. and notes by Javier San José Lera, introductory study by Fernando Lázaro Carreter, Biblioteca Clásica (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg; Círculo de Lectores, 2008). Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 34.3 (2010): 595-97. [published 2011]

Cowan, Michael

“Présentation,†co-authored with Viva Paci and Alanna Thain, Prises de rue, pp.7-20.

“Introduction,†co-authored with Laurent Gudio, rythmer, rhythmize, pp. 9-21.

“Les désirs du rythme filmique chez Gustav Deutsch,†article and artist dossier, in rythmer / rhythmize, pp.209-216.

Holmes, Amanda

“Pen and Brush in Dialogue: Octavio Paz and Antoni Tàpies in their Trans-Atlantic Livre d’Artiste.â€Ìý Bulletin of Hispanic StudiesÌý 88.3 (2011): 369-383.

“Landscape and the Artist’s Frame in Lucrecia Martel’s La ciénaga and La niña santa.â€Ìý New Trends in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema.Ìý Ed. Cacilda Rego and Carolina Rocha.Ìý Bristol: Intellect Ltd. (2011):Ìý 131-146.

Review of Confronting Patriarchy: Psychoanalytic Theory in the Prose of Cristina Peri Rossi by Mary Boufis Filou.Ìý Bulletin of Spanish StudiesÌý 88.3 (2011): 442-43.

Jouve-Martin, Jose

Del barroco al neobarroco: realidades y transferencias culturales. Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros, Jesús Pérez-Magallón, and José R. Jouve-Martín, Eds. Colección “Cultura Iberoamericana.†No. 32. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae. (2011): 379 pp.

Contemporary Debates in Ecology, Culture and Society in Latin America. Marianne Schmink and José R. Jouve-Martín, Eds. Special Issue of Latin American Research Review 46 (2011). 217 pp.

“Music, History and (Science-)Fiction: Philip Glass’ The Voyage and the Operatic Lives of Christopher Columbus.†Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 40.1 (2011): 87-108.

“Mulatos, médicos y patriotas en el Perú de la Independencia: José Manuel Valdés (1767-1843) y la creación de una medicina peruana.†De la colonia a la independencia. Eds. Mercedes Serna, Guillermo Seres y Bernat Castany. Barcelona: Centro para la edición de los clásicos españoles, (2011)Ìý: 173-190.

“Una ciudad para los muertos: el cementerio general de Lima y el control de la religiosidad barroca.†Del Barroco al Neobarroco: realidades y transferencias culturales. Eds. Ricardo de la Fuente, Jesús Pérez-Magallon, and José R. Jouve-Martín. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, (2011)Ìý: 157-166.

“Jacinto Ventura de Molina. Los caminos de la escritura negra en el Río de la Plata. Edición de William G. Acree, Jr. y Alex Boruck. Prólogo de George R. Andrews. Madrid & Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana, 2010.†A Contracorriente Ìý9.1 (2011): 382-386.

Kroha, Lucienne

“Il corpo e la Storia: lettura di Dietro la porta,†in Giorgio Bassani: la poesia del romanzo, il romanzo del poeta, edited by Antonello Perli, Giorgio Pozzi Editore. (2011): 155-170.

Macchi, Fernanda

“Montreal, ciudad latinoamericana?†Latinoamericanismo: una utopía intelectual. Ed. by Marcela Croce. Buenos Aires: Corregidor. (2011): 102-106.

Review of “Entre la espada y la pluma.†Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. 45-3. 702-04.

Parts, Lyudmila

“Moscow as the Occidental City.†Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie. 68, no. 1 (2011): 197-214.

Perez-Magallon, Jesus

La dama duende. By Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Edition, Introduction and Notes by Jesús Pérez-Magallón. Madrid: Cátedra, 2011. 319 pp.

Del Barroco al Neobarroco: Realidades y transferencias culturales. Ed. Ricardo de la Fuente, Jesús Pérez-Magallón y José Jouvé-Martín. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2011. 379 pp.

“.†Les Dossiers du GRIHL.

“Renovando la visión del barroco y su transferencia al presente.†Del Barroco al Neobarroco: Realidades y transferencias culturales. Ed. Ricardo de la Fuente, Jesús Pérez-Magallón y José Jouvé-Martín. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae. (2011): 5-8.

Rev. of “José Manuel Goñi. Análisis estilístico de “Cartas de mi sobrino,†Pepita Jiménez (1874), de Juan Valera. Valladolid: Anejos de Siglo Diecinueve, 2011. 330 pp.†Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 35.2 (2011): 423-25.

Rev. of “Tomás de Iriarte. Teatro original completo. Edición de Russell P. Sebold. Madrid: Cátedra, 2010. 708 pp.†Bulletin of Spanish Studies 88.5 (July 2011): 754-56.â€

Rev. of “Ignacio de Luzán. Obras raras y desconocidas IV. Memorias literarias de París. Epístola dedicatoria de ‘La razón contra la moda.’ Edición, estudio preliminar y notas de Guillermo Carnero. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2009. cxii+595 pp.†Dieciocho 34.2 (Fall 2011): 387-88.â€

Peters, Paul

Re-issue of an excerpt from the forward and conclusion of my study Heinrich Heine: Dichterjude In: Heine und die Nachwelt: Geschichte seiner Wirkung in den deutschsprachigen Ländern, Bd III, 1956- 1990, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. (2011): 599-602.

Piper, Andrew

“Transitional Figures: Image, Translation and the Ballad from Broadside to Photography.†Book Illustration in the Long Eighteenth Century: Reconfiguring the Visual Periphery of the Text. Ed. Christina Ionescu, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (2011): 157-191.

Ravon. Special Issue: Romantic Cultures of Print. Eds. Jonathan Sachs and Andrew Piper. No. 57-58 (February-May, 2010).Ìý[Please note this appeared in 2011 though the issue is dated 2010.]

Posthumus, Stephanie

“Vers une écocritique française: le contrat naturel de Michel Serres.†Mosaic, a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature. 44.2 (2011): 85-100.

Posthumus, Stephanie and Stéfan Sinclair. “L’inscription de la nature et de la technologie dans La possibilité d’une île de Michel Houellebecq.†Sites: Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. 15.3 (2011): 349-356.

Book Review. Posthumus, Stephanie. Every Living Being: Representations of Nonhuman Animals in the Exploration of Human Well-Being. Marie-France Boissonneault. The Goose. 9 (2011): 35-36.

Sibbald, Kathleen

Special Guest Issue: Un espacio queer – Queer Space. Eds. Kay Sibbald & Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 35.1 (2010) [2011]: 263 pp.

“Santos y mártires: transgresividad y (auto)bioficción en La casa de Bernarda Alba Ìýde Federico García Lorca.†Con-Textos. Revista de Semiotica Literaria (Medellin) 23.46 (2011): 35-43.

“Outing and Autobiography (Carmen Conde and María Elena Walsh).†In Un espacio queer – Queer Space. Eds. Kay Sibbald & Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 35.1 (2010) [2011]; 205-228.

“Introducción. Estudios LGTB hispánicos: un espacio queer – Queer Space.†(Co-authored with R. Cornejo-Parriego). In Un espacio queer – Queer Space. Eds. Kay Sibbald & Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 35.1 (2010) [2011]: 1-10.

“Eds. Juan E. De Castro and Nicholas Birns. Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics.†Choice, 48-4967 (2011): 1695.

“Brenda Wurth. Theatre, performance, and memory politics in Argentina.†Choice, 48-5611 (2011): 1926.

Sinclair, Stefan

Visual Interface Design for Digital Cultural Heritage, Ashgate, 2011 (co-authored with Stan Ruecker and Milena Radzikowska – equal contributions from all authors).

"Meditating on a Mandala in Class: Studying Shakespeare's Plays with a Visual Exploration Tool for XML Texts" Media | Pedagogy | Culture, 15:1 (2011; co-authored with Stan Ruecker, Sandra Gabriele, Matt Patey, Matt Gooding, Chris Vitas and Bartosz Bajer – equal contributions from all authors).

"L'inscription de la nature et de la technologie dans La possibilité d’une île de Michel Houellebecq," Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 15:3 (2011), 349-356 (co-authored with Stephanie Posthumus, equal contributions from both authors).

Soranzo, Matteo

“Umbria Pieridum Cultrix (Parthenopeus I: 18). Poetry and Identity in Giovanni Gioviano Pontano (1429-1503)†Italian Studies 67.1 (2011): 27-40.

“Reception of Marsilio Ficino in Quattrocento Italy. The Case of Aragonese Naples†Quaderni d’Italianistica 32.2 (2011): 1-20.

“Giovanni Pontano (1429-1503) on Astrology and Poetic Authority†Aries 11.1 (2011): 23-52.

“.†in Literary Encyclopedia, directed by Jo Ann Cavallo.

“.†in Literary Encyclopedia, directed by Jo Ann Cavallo.

Review of Bemrose, Stephen. A New Life of Dante (revised and updated edition). Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2010. Annali d’Italianistica (2011).

Review of Tateo, Francesco. Modernità dell’Umanesimo. Salerno: Edisud, 2010 in Renaissance Quarterly 63.4 (2011).

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