
Publications (2011)

Publications (2011)

List of publications for 2011

More publications can be found in the menu to the left.

Staff Name

Dr. Inteaz Alli
Dr. Martin Chenier
Dr. Ashraf Ismail
Dr. Salwa Karboune
Dr. Selim Kermasha
Dr. William Marshall
Dr. Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy
Dr. Benjamin K. Simpson
Dr. Frederick R. van de Voort
Dr. Varoujan A. Yaylayan

Alli, I.

Ìý-Chang, Y-W., Alli, I., Konishi, Y., Ziomek, E. 2011. Characterization of protein fractions

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds using proteomic ÌýÌý

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý techniques. Food Res. Int. 44: 3094-3104.


Ìý-Park, S.H., Park, K.H., Oh, B.C, Alli, I., Lee, B.H. 2011.Ìý Expression and characterization of

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý an extremely thermostable B-glycosidase (mannosidase) from the hyperthermophillic

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638. New Biotechnology. 28: 639-648.


Ìý-Yi, S.H., Alli, I., Park, K.H., Lee, B.H. 2011 Overexpression and characterization of a ÌýÌýÌýÌý

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý novel Ìýtransgalactosylic and hydrolytic B-galactosidase from a human isolate Ìý

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Bifidobacterium breve B24. New Biotechnology. 28: 806-813.


Ìý -Ereifej, K., Aludatt, M.H., AlKhalidy, H.A., Alli, I., Rababah, T. 2011 Comparison and

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý characterization of fat and protein composition for camel milk from eight Jordanian

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý locations. Food Chem. 127: 282-289


Ìý-Aludatt, M.H., Alli, I., Ereifej, K., Alhamad, M., Alsaad, A., A.R., Rababah, T. 2011

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Characterization of various extractions of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý olive seeds. Natural Product Res. 25: 876-889.





-Hussain SA, Prasher SO, Chénier MR, Arya G (2011) Removal of nitrate-N by antibiotic-

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý exposed bacterial isolates from a constructed wetland. World Journal of Microbiology and

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Biotechnology, 27:2061–2069




-Saguer, E. Alvarez, P., and Ismail, A.A. Heat-Induced Denaturation/Aggregation of Porcine

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Plasma and Its Fractions Studied by FTIR Spectroscopy, Food Hydrocolloids, in press

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (2011); doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2011.06.012


-Amiali, N.M., Golding, G.R., Sedman, J., Simor, A.E., and Ismail A.A. Rapid Identification

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý of Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Fourier

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect Dis. 70(2), pp. 157-166 (2011).Ìý


-Mossoba, M.M., Seiler, A., Steinhart, H., Kramer, J.K.G., Rodrigues-Saona, L., Griffith,

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A.P., Pierceall, R., van de Voort, F.R., Sedman, J., Ismail, A.A., and six others, Regulatory

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Infrared Spectroscopic Method for the Rapid Determination of Total Isolated Trans Fat: A

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Collaborative Study. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 88, pp. 39-46 (2011).




-Tian, F., Inthanavong, L., and Karboune, S. (2011) Effective purification and characterization

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý of the endo- and the exocellular levansucrases from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens useful for the ÌýÌý

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý synthesis of fructooligosaccharides and levan. Biosc. Biotechnol. Biochem. 75, 1929-1938.


-Couto, J., St-Louis, R. and Karboune, S. (2011) Optimization of féruloyl esterase-catalyzed

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý synthesis of feruloylated oligosaccharides by response surface methodology. J. Mol. Catal.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý B: Enz. 73, 53-62.


-Mamelona, J., Pelletier, E., Girard-Lalancette, K., Légault, J., Karboune, S. and Kermasha, S.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (2011). Antioxidants in digestive tracts and gonads of green urchin, Strongylocentrotus

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý droebachiensis.ÌýJ. Food Composition Anal. 24, 179-183.




-Mamelona, J., Pelletier, E., Girard-Lalancette, K., Légault, J., Karboune, S. and Kermasha, S.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (2011). Antioxidants in digestive tracts and gonads of green urchin, Strongylocentrotus

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý droebachiensis. J. Food Composition Anal. 24, 179-183.




-Wen, Y., Marshall, W.D., Simultaneous mobilization of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds from soil with a nonionic surfactant and [S,S]-EDDS in

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý admixture: Metals, J. Hazard. Mater. 2011, 197, 361-368.




-Ramaswamy, HS and Lin, M. 2011. Influence of System Variables on the Heating

ÌýÌýÌý ÌýÌýCharacteristics of Water during Continuous Flow Microwave Heating. International Journal

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý of Microwave Science and Technology. Volume 2011, Article ID 264249, 10 pages.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý doi:10.1155/2011/264249

-Azarpazhooh, E. and Ramaswamy, HS. 2011. Optimization of Microwave-Osmotic

ÌýÌý ÌýÌý Pretreatment of Apples with Subsequent Air-Drying for Preparing High-Quality Dried

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Product, International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology. Volume 2011 (2011),

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Article ID 687548, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/687548


-Hassan, HF.; Ramaswamy, HS. 2011. Measurement and targeting of thermo-physical properties

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý of carrot and meat based alginate particles for thermal processing applicationsÌý Journal of

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Food Engineering. 107(1): 117-126ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý


- Gundurao, A. Ramaswamy, HS, Ahmed, J. 2011. Effect of soluble solids concentration and

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý temperature on thermo-physical and rheological properties of mango puree. International

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Journal of Food Properties. 14(5) 1018-1036.

-Maftoonazad N., Karimi Y.; Ramaswamy HS, Prasher, SO, 2011. Artificial neural network

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý modeling of hyperspectral radiometric data for quality changes associated with avocados

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý during storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 35(4): 432-446ÌýÌý

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Ramaswamy. 2011. High Pressure Sterilization of Foods. Food Engineering Interfaces, Food

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Engineering Series, J.M. Aguilera et al. (eds.), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7475-4_15, #

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Springer Science & Business Media, LLC. Pp 341-351.


-Hassan, HF and Ramaswamy HS. 2011. Heat resistance of Geobacillus sterorthermophilus

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý and Clostridium sporogenes in carrot and meat alginate purees. Journal of Food Processing

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý and Preservation. Volume: 35ÌýÌý Issue: 3ÌýÌý Pages: 376-385ÌýÌý


-Shao, YW and Ramaswamy HS. 2011. Clostridium sporogenes-ATCC 7955 Spore

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Destruction Kinetics in Milk Under High Pressure and Elevated Temperature Treatment

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Conditions. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 4(3): 458-468ÌýÌý


-Azarpahzooh, E. and Ramaswamy, HS. 2011.Ìý Influence of Microwave Osmotic Dehydration

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Pre-Treatment on the Second Stage of Air-Drying Kinetics of Apples International Journal of

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Food Engineering. 7(3):Ìý Article Number: 6ÌýÌý DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.1927ÌýÌý Published:

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 2011


-Ramaswamy HS and Dwivedi M. 2011. Effect of Process Variables on Heat-Transfer Rates

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý to Canned Particulate Newtonian Fluids During Free Bi-axial Rotary Processing Food and

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Bioprocess Technology. Volume: 4 (1): 61-78.


-Lin, M. and Ramaswamy HS. 2011. Evaluation of Phosphatase Inactivation Kinetics in Milk

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Under Continuous Flow Microwave and Conventional Heating Conditions. International

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Journal of Food Properties. 14 (1) 110-123.




-Thang, C.L., Baurhoo, B., Boye, J.I., Simpson, B.K. & Zhao, X. 2011. Effects of Lactobacillus

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý rhamnosus GG supplementation on cow's milk allergy in a mouse model. Allergy, Asthma &

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Clinical Immunology. 7:20 doi:10.1186/1710-1492-7-20


Ìý-Xiang, B.Y., Simpson, M.V., Ngadi, M.O., Simpson, B.K. 2011. Effect of pulsed electric field

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý on the rheological and colour properties of soy milk. International Journal of Food Science &

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Nutrition. 62(8):787-93.


-Xiang, B.Y., Ngadi, M.O., Simpson, B.K. & Simpson, M.V. 2011. Pulsed electric field induced

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý structural modification of soy protein isolate as studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. J. Food

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Processing and Preservation. 35(5): 563–570.


-Zare, F., Boye, J., Orsat, V, Champagne, C. & Simpson, B.K. 2011. Microbial, physical and

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý sensory properties of yogurt supplemented with lentil flour. Food Res. Intl. 44: 2482–2488.


-Aryee, A.N.A., Phillip, L.E., Cue, R.I. & Simpson, B.K. 2011. Identification and quantitation of

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý reaction intermediates and residuals in lipase-catalyzed transesterified oils by HPLC. Appl.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Biochem. Biotechnol. 165: 155–177.


-Aryee, A.N.A., Simpson, B.K., Cue, R.I. & Phillip, L.E. 2011. Enzymatic transesterification of

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý fats and oils from animal discards to fatty acid ethyl esters for potential fuel use. Biomass

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Bioenerg. 35: 4149-4157.


-Chaudhary, N., Ngadi, M.O., Simpson, B.K. & Kassama, L.S. 2011. Biosynthesis of ethanol

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý and hydrogen by glycerol fermentation using Escherichia coli. Adv. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1:

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 83-89


-Rui, X., Boye, J.I., Ribereau, S., Simpson, B.K. & Prasher, S.O. 2011. Comparative study of the

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý composition and thermal properties of protein isolates prepared from nine Phaseolus vulgaris

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý legume varieties. Food Res. Intl. 44: 2497–2504.


-Ma, Z., Boye, J.I., Simpson, B.K., Prasher, S.O., Monpetit, D. & Malcolmson, L. 2011. Thermal

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý processing effects on the functional properties and microstructure of lentil, chickpea, and pea

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý flours. Food Res. Intl. 44: 2534–2544.





- van de Voort F., Sedman J., Pinchuk D. An overview of progress and new developments in

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý lubricant condition monitoring methodology.Ìý Journal of ASTM International 8(5), pp. 55-73

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (2011).





- Chu F. L., Sleno, L.; Yaylayan, V. A. Isotope Labeling Studies on the Formation of Multiple

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Addition products of Alanine in the Pyrolysis Residue of Glucose/Alanine mixtures by High

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Resolution ESI-TOF-MS.Ìý J.Ìý Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 11629-11634.


-Nikolov, P., Yaylayan, V. A. Thermal Decomposition of 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-Furaldehyde

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (HMF) and its Further Transformations in the Presence of Glycine. J. Agric. Food Chem.

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 2011, 59, 10104-10113.


- Nikolov, P., Yaylayan, V. Reversible and Covalent Binding of 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý furaldehyde (HMF) with Lysine and selected Amino Acids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59,

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 6099-6107.


-Guerra P. V.; Yaylayan, V. A. Thermal generation of 3-amino-4,5-dimethylfuran-2(5H)-one

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý the precursor of sotolon from amino acid model systems containing glyoxylic and pyruvic

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý acids. J. Agric. Food Chem 2011, 59, 4699-4704.


-Rahn, K.K.R., Yaylayan, VA. Monitoring cyclic acyloxonium ion formation in tripalmitin using

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý infrared spectroscopy and isotope labeling technique. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2011, 113

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý (3), 330-334


-Rahn, K.K.R., Yaylayan, VA. What do we know about the molecular mechanism of 3-MCPD

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý ester formation? Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2011, 113 (3), 323-329

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