

DISE Releases Statement on Bill 21

Published: 24 April 2019

Statement on Bill 21, ​An Act respecting the laicity of the State (Loi sur la laïciteÌ de l’EÌtat​), from ​the Department of Integrated Studies in Education and the Internships and Student Affairs Office in the Faculty of Education at Ã山ǿ¼é​ ​adopted on April 18, 2019

The Department of Integrated Studies in Education and the Internships and Student Affairs Office at Ã山ǿ¼é condemn and reject Bill 21, ​An Act respecting the laicity of the State​. This proposed bill is discriminatory, racist, and counter to our values as a teaching and research department. ​We denounce this bill for systematically targeting and discriminating against specific racialized and religious groups within QueÌbec society. If implemented, Bill 21 will not only have a direct impact on communities that wear religious symbols, but will further a climate of suspicion, fear, hostility, and racism towards people who wear religious symbols. As such, it would limit possibilities for significant segments of the QueÌbec population to participate in the public life of QueÌbec, and jeopardize the futures of large numbers of QueÌbec students.

Please click on the link to read the entire Statement.

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