

July 5 to September 16, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Threshold, Passages and Other Crossings
An exhibition of History and Theory graduate studio work 2005.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).

May 2 to June 3, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Studio Work 2004-2005
Highlights of student work from the studios of Fall 2004 and Winter 2005.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).

April 18 to 29, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Design Research & Methodology
The work of the M1 class from the Winter 2005 term.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).

March 29 to April 8, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Politecnico di Milano
INTERSECTION: Bloor - St. George.
An exhibition from the Facolt脿 di Architettura Civile, Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'Architettura.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Thursday, March 31, 5:00 pm.
Politecnico press release.

February 28 to March 24, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Sketching School 2004
An exhibition of student work from Sketching School 2004 in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Monday, February 28, 5:00 pm.

January 31 to February 18, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
The Architecture of Italian Cities
An exhibition of student work from the Summer Course Abroad 2004 in Florence, with excursions to Venice, Rome and Lucca.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Monday, January 31, 5:00 pm.

January 10 to 28, 2005 (9 am - 5 pm)
Italia 2004
An exhibition of student work from the Summer 2004 Wilfred Truman Shaver Scholarship trip to Tuscany.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Tuesday, January 11, 5:00 pm.

December 13 to 20, 2004 (9 am - 6 pm)
M2 Final Thesis Projects
Master of Architecture professional program final thesis projects.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114) + Rooms 101 and 102.
Vernissage on Thursday, December 16, 6:00 pm.

November 22 to December 3, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
Duschenes & Fish
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Wednesday, November 24, 5:30 pm.

November 5 to 19, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
Work Architecture Company: A Lot of Work for Nothing?
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Friday, November 5, before lecture, 5 - 6 pm.

October 18 to 29, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
Ways of Seeing
Current Projects 1994-2004 / Petr Franta architect

Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Monday, October 18, 5:30 pm.

October 4 to 16, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
David Farley: New Work
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Tuesday, October 5, 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

Exhibition vernissage - Aliki Economides

September 20 to October 1, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
Diamond and Schmitt Architects:
Light, Community and Transformation

Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Vernissage on Monday, September 20, 5:30 to 6:30 pm, followed by Jack Diamond lecture in Room G10.

June 16 to September 16, 2004 (9 am - 5 pm)
Nomadism / Urban Wandering
An exhibition of History and Theory graduate studio work 2003-04.
Exhibition Room in School of Architecture (Room 114).
Closing vernissage of exhibit + book launch of Chora 4 on Wednesday, September 15, 5:30 pm.

Book launch poster - Alec Suresh Perera

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