
TISED Newsletter


2022 Trottier Symposium: Confronting Climate Change with Design for Resilience

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 18:30to20:30

Speakers: Henk Ovink &Marina Tabassum

September 13th, 2022 l 6:30pm (EDT) * Free online event*Overview show of forest with lake in the shape of the building

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, published inApril 2022, warned of a “now or never” moment to limit the mean global temperature rise that threatensthe breakdown of our planet’s climate systems with catastrophic consequences for our society. Asnations around the world attempt to realize their pledge to the Paris Agreement to reduce future carbonemissions, the “committed climate warming” will continue to drive severe weather events for decades tocome.The impacts of these events are already being felt around the world and these eventsdisproportionately affect the most vulnerable populations across the globe, deepening poverty andinequality.

Despite these challenges, we have the capacity to implement sustainable solutions in population hotspotsmost vulnerable to climate driven disasters. Through collaborative efforts, holistic approaches rooted inthe concepts of nature-based design, engineers, urban planners, architects and policy makers aremeeting the moment, implementing resilient living solutions, reinventing water management practices andadapting our built environments to minimize damage caused by climate-induced natural disasters.

The 9th Trottier Symposium on Sustainable Engineering, Energy and Design will explore success stories of sustainable engineering and design while considering the following questions:

  • How can urban planners, architects and engineers incorporate nature-based solutions to buildresiliency and sustainability in our communities?
  • What climate resilient living solutions have been implemented “on the front lines” of climate
    change and how can these strategies be scaled up more broadly?

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