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Exigences du programme
Le programme de certificat en logistique et gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement comprend deux cours de tronc commun et deux ensembles de cours. L'ensemble de cours portant sur la gesÂtion de la production et le contrôle d'inventaire dotera les étudiants d'une solide formation sur les milieux de fabrication de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et les mènera à la certification APICS CPIM, à condition de suivre les examens de ladite association. L'ensemÂble de cours portant sur la logistique dotera les étudiants de conÂnaissances approfondies liées à la chaîne d'approvisionnement, la distribution et les fonctions logistiques des entreprises. Cette option offre aussi la possibilité de mener les étudiants vers le proÂgramme de certification C.I.T.T. à condition de satisfaire aux autres exigences du C.I.T.T.Cours obligatoires (30 unités)
CTPT 200 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course provides an overall perspective of various functions that exist within supply chains; macro processes and drivers as well as performance indicators along a supply chain are emphasized. Coordination issues are dealt with using a simulation game involving various supply chain stakeholders.
Trimestres : Hiver 2012
Chargés de cours : Talla, Malleswara (Winter)
CTPT 430 Fundamentals of Integrated Business Systems (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course examines supply chain information systems in the context of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with applications in the manufacturing, retailing and distribution services sectors. Core business processes and transactions pertaining to supply chain management are identified and discussed in terms of relevant ERP modules.
Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2011-2012.
Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2011-2012.
Production et contrôle d'inventaire
CTPT 201 Sourcing (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course is a comprehensive review of sourcing, an important area of supply chain management. It covers four major components of sourcing: the in-house or outsource decisions, the supplier selection and evaluation processes, contract management and procurement processes. Case studies are used to illustrate implementation issues in sourcing.
Trimestres : Hiver 2012
Chargés de cours : Chicoine, Pierre (Winter)
CTPT 202 Production and Inventory Planning and Control 1 (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course focuses on the study of material flow processes by which products are created and delivered to customers. Topics include, demand management, forecasting, sales and operations planning, order, planning and production planning topics. Real-life examples, case studies and guest speakers are an integral part of course delivery.
Trimestres : Automne 2011
Chargés de cours : Kahyaoglu, Yasemin (Fall)
CTPT 310 Production and Inventory Planning and Control 2 (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course emphasizes inventory management, just in time manufacturing/lean production and total quality management topics. Real-life examples, case studies and guest speakers are an integral part of course delivery in highlighting implementation issues in the functions covered.
Trimestres : Hiver 2012
Chargés de cours : Kahyaoglu, Yasemin (Winter)
Prerequisite: CTPT 202
CTPT 311 Supply Chain Risk Management (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course focuses on the use of available risk management techniques to deal with uncertainty in supply chains, covering issues such as identification of risks, analysis of risks, responding to risks including risk control and risk financing methods, operational and financial hedging and creating resilient supply chains.
Trimestres : Automne 2011
Chargés de cours : McGraw, Janice; Kahyaoglu, Yasemin (Fall)
Prerequisite: CTPT 200
Nota : Les étudiants qui désirent satisfaire aux exigences du C.I.T.T. doivent suivre d'autres cours. Pour de plus amples renÂseignements, adressez-vous a Développement de carrière et perfectionnement professionnel. ou au bureau du C.I.T.T. : info [at]
CTPT 206 Transportation Management and Economics (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course focuses on freight transportation, with emphasis on trucking, rail and marine modes including intermodal. Furthermore, it focuses on management of the transportation function from a carrier perspective, including a basic understanding of the structure and regulation of the transportation industry and analysis of specific case examples.
Trimestres : Automne 2011
Chargés de cours : McKnight, Donald Arthur (Fall)
CTPT 207 Transportation Law and Policy (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : Evolution of federal transportation policy, including the primary laws and tribunals the government uses to control and structure the Canadian transportation industry in a global context: airlines, railways, marine and trucking; the Canada Transportation Act and the legal consequences of the National Transportation Policy and international transport policy.
Trimestres : Hiver 2012
Chargés de cours : Cox, Robert (Winter)
Prerequisite: CTPT 206
CTPT 208 Fundamentals of Logistics (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : This course addresses the infrastructure required to support logistics activities and the flow of goods and information, including: traffic and transportation, warehousing, materials handling, inventory concepts, Logistics Information Systems, performance indicators, customer service and order processing.
Trimestres : Automne 2011
Chargés de cours : Chicoine, Pierre (Fall)
CTPT 410 International Trade and Logistics (3 unités)
Vue d'ensemble
Transport : Fundamentals required to successfully bring goods to market on a global scale, primarily focusing on logistics trade environment, obstacles and documentation required in international trade, with a focus on parties involved in import/export, legislative and liability, terms of trade, international cargo/cargo security and commercial documentation.
Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2011-2012.
Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2011-2012.
- Corequisite: CTPT 207