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Space Molecules are Branching Out

20 Mar 2017

In a paper published in this week鈥檚 issue of Science, astronomers from the Max Planck institute, the University of Cologne (Germany) and Cornell University (USA), announced to聽have for the first...

Hazard and risk: Carcinogens in Processed Meat

20 Mar 2017

If you watched the news, read newspapers or surfed the web recently you will have been inundated with pictures of bacon and headlines describing it as carcinogenic. That鈥檚 because the International...

Why isn't the carbon dioxide from breathing a concern for global warming?

20 Mar 2017

The carbon dioxide we exhale does not contribute to global warming for the simple reason that we also take up an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the air, albeit indirectly. Everything we...

Why has California issued a health advisory about eating fried grasshoppers covered with chili - a traditional Mexican treat?

20 Mar 2017

Worry about contamination with lead! Chili powder is at the heart of Mexican cuisine and finds its way into numerous foods ranging from candies and salsa to fried grasshoppers. Unfortunately...

Guano is Back

20 Mar 2017

The other day, at the garden center, I noticed a box of fertilizer announcing that it contained a "natural" fertilizer鈥 guano. In fact, before synthetic fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate -...

Witches Knickers: the plastic bag crisis

20 Mar 2017

Plastic bags that have been carelessly discarded and get caught up on tree branches. Polyethylene bags fluttering in the wind, desecrating our beaches and piling up in cabinets under our sinks,...

Can you remove 'dead mouse smell' without putting holes in your walls?

20 Mar 2017

Nobody likes the idea of live rodents scampering around the house, but dead rodents can be an even bigger problem. If they meet their demise inside a wall, as can easily happen, the 鈥渟mell of death...

Cathodic Protection

20 Mar 2017

You use cathodic protection聽to prevent iron from rusting. The rusting of iron is an expensive process. It is estimated that the deterioration of iron due to corrosion costs billions of dollars a...

Whales at a party?

20 Mar 2017

An 1861 Vanity Fair cartoon depicted whales celebrating at a party. Celebrating what, you may ask? The discovery of oil in Pennsylvania!


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