breastfeeding /nursing/taxonomy/term/5853/all en ISoN participates in International research consortium aimed at reducing obesity and non-communicable disease risk in children /nursing/article/ison-participates-international-research-consortium-aimed-reducing-obesity-and-non-communicable <p>Ingram School of Nursing researchers <b>Sonia Semenic</b>, N, Ph.D, and <b>Andrea Van Hulst</b>, RN, PhD, are playing key roles in an international research consortium titled the <a href="">Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative</a> (HeLTI). The consortium oversees four separate but harmonized projects in South Africa, India, China, and Canada. All projects are focused on developing evidence-based interventions that span from pre-conception across pregnancy and into the postnatal and early childhood periods with a goal of improving maternal, infant and child health.</p> Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:14:19 +0000 Hena Kon 32766 at /nursing