
Meditating Music

20 Feb 2023

Perfect and pure meditation, I suppose, would require no noise at all, or at least a complete聽tuning out聽of the noise. But for those of use who need a little help centring ourselves, focussing,...

The Experience of God

11 Jan 2023

Transcendence. Experiencing the divine. Tasting that sweet essence of God. For the Sikh, God has no form. God has no shape, age, race, or gender. God was never born, and will never cease to be. God...

Me and My Advent Wreath

19 Dec 2022

I grew up in a family of Lutheran background. Today, I still feel quite connected to my faith and traditions. Part of that tradition is the Advent Wreath; something one can find in many Christian...

Little Things

1 Dec 2022

As another holiday season arrives, I take the time to reflect on what it means to me. I celebrate Christmas. My family is Catholic, but I'm not. I don't know what I believe religiously. All I know...

Darcy Wang

17 Dec 2021

One Tree, One World

Midhat Kiyani

17 Dec 2021

Mother Earth is Crying: World's Faith Communities and a Call to Compassionate Action for Climate

Elyse MacLeod

17 Dec 2021

On Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue...


17 Dec 2021

Swastika, Hakenkreuz 鈥 Tracing the History of A Charged Symbol 聽


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