

Ronen Eldan (Weizmann)

Thursday, January 27, 2022 11:30to12:30
Title: A simple approach to chaos for p-spin models of spin glasses
Abstract: Let G be an n by n matrix of i.i.d standard Gaussians, and consider the maximizer v(G) of the expression v^T G v among all sign vectors v \in
\{-1,1\}^n. How stable is v(G) under small perturbations of G? In 2018, Chen, Handschy and Lerman showed that the corresponding Gaussian field exhibits Chaos in the sense that perturbations of G whose magnitude is going to 0with the dimension amount to the corresponding maximizers v(G) becoming almost uncorrelated (following Chatterjee '08, this also implies that the corresponding Gaussian field exhibits "super-concentration"). Their proof relies heavily on the Parisi-Guerra-Talagrand framework which stems from the cavity method. We give a proof that every mixed p-spin model exhibits such behavior. Our proof is (arguably) much simpler and mostly relies on classical results in convexity.

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