Ashraf Ismail
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Co-Director, 缅北强奸 IR Group
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Suha Jabaji
Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Cynthia Kallenbach
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Matthias Klein
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Animal Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Nicolas Kosoy
Academic title(s): Associate Professor jointly appointed to the Bieler School of Environment
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Mark Lefsrud
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
William Dawson Scholar
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Xiaonan Lu
Academic title(s): Ian & Jayne Munro Chair in Food Safety
William Dawson Scholar
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Chandra Madramootoo
Academic title(s): Distinguished James 缅北强奸 Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Hugo Melgar-Qui帽onez
Academic title(s): Margaret A. Gilliam Scholar, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for Global Food Security
Associate Professor
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples鈥 Nutrition and Environment, Global Food Security, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Shiv Prasher
Academic title(s): Distinguished James 缅北强奸 Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Zhiming Qi
Academic title(s): Brace Professorship in Irrigation
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Jennifer Ronholm
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor, William Dawson Scholar, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Agricultural Microbiology
Department: Animal Science, Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Denis Roy
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Philippe Seguin
Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Jaswinder Singh
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Donald L. Smith
Academic title(s): Distinguished James 缅北强奸 Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Martina Str枚mvik
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Chair, Plant Science Department
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Shangpeng Sun
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Paul Thomassin
Academic title(s): Professor
Director, 缅北强奸 Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems
Elsa Vasseur
Academic title(s): Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar
Research and Innovation Chair in Animal Welfare and Artificial Intelligence
Department: Animal Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply