PhD Oral Defense: Subclinical Mastitis and Infant Growth in the Western Highlands of Guatemala
PhD Oral Defense of Hilary Wren, Dietetics and Human Nutrition.
Three studies were designed to explore: (i) cultural determinants of optimal breastfeeding practices among Indigenous Mam-Mayan women in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, (ii) the relationship between subclinical mastitis and impaired infant anthropometric indicators and (iii) the role of infection, inflammation, hygiene and lactation practices in underscoring the complex relationship between subclinical mastitis and infant growth. Manuscript 1 explored whether cultural influences were associated with achievement of the World Health Organization infant feeding recommendations and if these cultural practices served as moderators of the relationship between breastfeeding practices and infant weight-for-age. Manuscript 2 compared mothers with SCM (breast milk Na/K ratio >0.6) and without SCM for selected factors and practices and evaluated if SCM increased the likelihood of infant stunting, underweight and microcephaly in a cross sectional study. Manuscript 3 explored the prevalence and determinants of SCM at 0-6 wks (early) and 4-6 mo (established) in a longitudinal cohort of mothers and investigated the contribution of infection, inflammation, mammary gland permeability, and growth factors present in milk to infant WAZ, LAZ, and HCZ at both stages of lactation.
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