Biofuels, from the ground up
Thursday, February 20, 2014 16:00
Raymond Building
R4-045, 21111 Lakeshore Road, St Anne de Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, CA
The second talk in the "4 O'Clock Forum" series will be given by Professor Don Smith, Plant Science Deaprtment.
4 O'Clock Forum brings together researchers, graduate students and other interested parties to hear about scientific advancements related to their own fields of research as well as other scientific areas. Graduate and undergraduate students can benefit from these academic opportunities, all of which are aimed at stimulating critical discussions about contemporary research and issues in the agriculture and environment, to foster increased interactions among the Macdonald faculty, and to highlight our ability to deliver outstanding scientific contributions.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.