Your life in numbers: Collection, protection and rights in the world of the Internet of Things
Were you frightened the first time Siri told you what bus to take to get to work, how long it would take, and what coat you should wear given the outside temperature? If you answered yes, come and hear our guests discuss the various legal issues pertaining to data privacy, data retention and data handling in a world where an increasing number of electronic devices gather information about our habits and behaviour to tailor their softwares to your needs and THEIR needs.
Joignez vous au 缅北强奸 Intellectual Property & Information Technology Policy Club (IPITPOL) pour d茅couvrir comment les d茅veloppeurs manipulent et prot猫gent les donn茅es amass茅es par leurs appareils et pour participer au dialogue visant 脿 茅veiller les esprits sur les enjeux juridiques en lien avec l鈥檜tilisation de ces donn茅es par des tiers.
This panel will receive experts in the field of communications law, data privacy and business affairs; we are pleased to welcome Prof. Sunny Handa, Prof. Fenwick McKelvey (Concordia) and Prof. Richard Janda to share with us their experience and their concerns about the Internet of Things.
A reception will follow.