

Workshop on Incentives and Innovation

Monday, February 8, 2016 10:30to13:30
Peel 3690 Room 102, 3690 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

The Tax and Innovation Research Team workshop will consist of three presentations on themes arising in the Law and the Creative District project organized by Professors Allison Christians and Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse.

The goal of the Law and the Creative District project is to examine the role of regulation in the emergence and growth of innovative industries. Each of the presenter groups has drafted preliminary findings to present to the group for discussion and collaboration. The discussion will help guide the continuing research.


10:30AM – 10:40AM – Arrival and Introductory Remarks.

10:40AM - 11:30AM – Aurélie Lanctôt, Presentation on Quebec-based Tax Incentives for Innovation.

11:30 break

11:40AM – 12:30PM – Stephanie Blakely and Nour Saadi, Presentation on Direct (non-tax) Financial Incentives for Innovation in Quebec and Canada.

12:00PM – Lunch

12:30PM - 1:20PM – Baya Yantren and Andrea Tredenick, Presentation on Federally Based Tax Incentives for Innovation.

1:20PM - 1:30PM – Closing Remarks.

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