
Commentaries on Air and Space Law


26 Jan 2023

Before 5 January 2023, no state had ever withdrawn from any of the five United Nations treaties on space-related activities.

11 Nov 2022

The post-war economic and travel boom of the 1950s and 60s, combined with the rapid development of commercial aircraft and related flight technologies, is often referred to as the “

21 Mar 2022

According to media reports, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin recently signed a bill into law that would allow Russian-based airlines to re-register foreign owned airplanes on the Russian national register to enable them to be


Commentaries on Air and Space Law

Below are the commentaries on the most recent events and developments in the fields of air law and space law.

The opinions expressed in these commentaries are those of the author(s) and do not represent the opinion or views of the Institute of Air and Space Law.

Commentaires sur le droit aérien et spatial

Vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous les commentaires sur les événements et développements les plus récents dans les champs de droit aérien et de droit spatial.

Les opinions exprimées dans les commentaires sont celles de l'auteur (ou des auteurs) et ne représentent pas l'opinion ou les vues de l'Institut de droit aérien et spatial.

If you would like to contribute a commentary on recent events and developments in the fields air law and space law, edannals.law [at] mcgill.ca (subject: IASL%20Commentaries) (please write to us).

The piece should not be longer than 2000 words (with footnotes).

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