Students’ responsibilities, whether around plagiarism, cheating or non-Academic offences such as theft or assault, are governed by theCode of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, a policy which is overseen by theOffice of the Dean of Students. The “Code” is being revised, in part to modernize language, update some procedural sections, but also to ensure it aligns with ourPolicy Against Sexual Violence. Since September 2017 I have been chairing a workgroup to revise the Code, and as part of the process, we are seeking input from our community, including students. I want to take this opportunity to ask if you have feedback about the current Code (e.g., articles you would like to see changed, procedural concerns, or perhaps just around clarity of language), you cansubmit your comments here. More consultations will come, so please stay tuned. But for now, have your say! Ensuring students are involved with our policy revisions is so important – thanks for taking the time to help.