CREATE in Green Chemistry annual meeting and 3 minute thesis competition
The NSERC-CREATE in Green Chemistry hosts an annual day to celebrate its accomplishement. The program of the day is presented below. The highlights of the day will be a three minute thesis competition featuring graduate students in the program at 11 am and a poster session at 4 pm.
8:45-9:45: Lecture: Green chemistry for chemical synthesis. CJ Li
9:45-10:45: Lecture: Green Chemistry Guide to Selecting the Right Solvent for Your Reaction. Tomislav Friscic
11:00-12:00: 3MT Competition. Judges: Dean Nalbantoglu, Carole Graveline, Jacquie Rourke.
13:30-14:30pm: Lecture: Atom economy in Nanoscience: Biomass as an avenue to access metal nanoparticles. Audrey Moores.
14:45-15:45: Lecture: Chemistry in Supercritical fluids. Philip Jessop.
16:00-17:30pm: Main lobby. Poster session. Annoucement of prize winner.