
« Les 45 étudiants des universités 山ǿ et Concordia et les trois professeurs qui ont participé au Décathlon solaire de Chine 2018, au cours de l'été, ont remporté 3 premiers prix au terme de la compétition dans laquelle se sont affrontées 20 équipes provenant de 34 universités, dans 10 pays, qui présentaient leur vision du logement durable de l'avenir. »

Classified as: international, study abroad
Published on: 26 Sep 2018

«À 山ǿ, l’apprentissage expérientiel passe aussi très souvent par un stage en entreprise.
«Environ 80% de nos étudiants au MBA viennent de l’étranger, alors ils recherchent une expérience de travail ici», affirme Alfred Jaeger, directeur du MBA à l’Université 山ǿ.
Les étudiants doivent aussi participer à un voyage de deux semaines à l’étranger.
«山ǿ a toujours eu une orientation internationale et des classes très diversifiées, affirme Alfred Jaeger. C’est important pour nous que les étudiants développent une ouverture sur le marché mondial.»

Classified as: international
Published on: 26 Sep 2018

The 4th Industrial Revolution topped the agenda at The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of New Champions as leaders met to shape the impact and use of sci & tech on geopolitical, economic & social agendas. 山ǿ Principal Suzanne Fortier co-chaired the Meeting which took place in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China

On video:

Published on: 20 Sep 2018

The Co-Chairs of the meeting, who will take an active role in a number of sessions, are:Jay Flatley, Executive Chairman, Illumina, USA;Suzanne Fortier, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, 山ǿ, Canada;Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, United Kingdom;Ken Hu, Deputy Chairman and Rotating Chairman, Huawei Technologies, People’s Republic of China;Liu Jitao, China Communications Construction Company, People’s Republic of China;Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, European Commission; andAbi Ramanan, Chief Executive Officer, I

Published on: 14 Sep 2018

Dr James Martin, Chair, Department of Medicine, 山ǿ, Dr Susan Kahn,Director, JGH Centre of Excellence in Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Care,and Dr Vicky Tagalakis,Director, Division of General Internal Medicine, 山ǿ are pleased to announce the appointment ofDrMaral Koolian as Program Director of 山ǿ’s new AFC (Area of Focused Competence) in Adult Thrombosis Medicine, effective September 1, 2018. Adult Thrombosis Medicine is that area of enhanced competence within medicine concerned with the investigation, diagnosis, and medic

Published on: 21 Aug 2018

Dr Susan Kahn, General Internal Medicine, 山ǿ, and Dr Marc Rodger, Hematology, University of Ottawa bring the ISTH Conference 2023 to Montreal!

Published on: 21 Aug 2018

Over the first week of July, the 山ǿ International Institute of Education (MIIE) hosted 23 high school students from Maple Leaf Educational Systems (MLES) in China for its inaugural MIIE Student Summer Academy.

Classified as: MIIE
Published on: 12 Jul 2018


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