Authors:Xiaojing Zhanga, X.,Kamgarpoura, M.,Georghiou, A., andLygeros, J.
Publication: Automatica
Authors:Bagayogo, F.F.,Lepage, A., Denis, J.L.,Lamothe, L., Lapointe, L.,Vedel, I.
Publication: Age and Aging
Congratulations to Professor Suzanne Gagnon of Organizational Behaviour and Saku Mantere of Strategy and Organization on being awarded 2016 SSHRC Insight Grant" "Social Innovation in Human Rights, Equity and Diversity: Complex Systems and Discourses of Change".
Authors: Cukier, W., Gagnon, S., Roach, E., Elmi, M., Yap, M., Rodrigues, S.
Publication: The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Authors: Han, D.,Duhachek, A.,Agrawal, N.
Publication: Journal of Consumer Research
Authors:Trivedi, M.,Gauri, D.K., Yu, M.
Publication:Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 10, October 2017
Authors:MacCrory, F.,Choudhary, V.,Pinsonneault, A.
Publication: Information Systems Research
Authors: Saurin Patel and
Publication:Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Vol. 52, No. 5, 2017, pp. 1989-2021.
Congratulations to Assistant Professor David Schumacher of Finance on receiving on ETFs in Asset Management for "Who is afraid of BlackRock?".
Authors: , Wang, Y., Massa, M.
Publication: Social Science Research Network
Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization for "Speaking as One, But Not Speaking up: Dealing with New Moral Taint in an Occupational Online Community".
Authors: Vaast, E., Levina, N.
Publication: Information and Organization
Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Mary Dean Lee of Organizational Behavioron being awarded JMS Best Paper 2015 for "Going Off Script: How Managers Make Sense of the Ending of Their Careers".
Authors:Vough, H.C.,Bataille, C.D.,Sung, N.C.,Lee, M.D.
Publication: Journal of Management Studies