

Call for Legal Methodology Tutorial Leaders

Published: 27 March 2012

The Legal Methodology program invites students who will have completed the two-year program (1st and 2nd year) by the end of the Winter Term, to apply for a position as Tutorial Leader for 2012-2013.

There are 14 first year positions and 8 second year positions.

Being a tutorial leader is part of a 4-credit course. It involves weekly teaching sessions, regular meetings with your tutorial group, drafting research and writing assignments in collaboration with colleagues, providing detailed comments on students' written work, and acting as judge for first and second year pleadings.

How to apply:

The application consists of a cover letter stating why you would like to be a TL and outlining any relevant qualifications, as well as a current CV and unofficial transcript.

Applications should be submitted to Me Helena Lamed by Thursday, April 12, 2012. Interviews will be held in the following week.

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